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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  January 24, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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thh triaa of john leoppld. in - 3 it'ssa disgrrce what ssme county workers say they were paii overttmm to . do. brrezy condiiions overnight then ssow moves n tomorrow.when it iil arrive... how much we could get... and whhn e'll start to &psee warmer temperatures in my porecast the speed cameea conven conversion."high priirity or us to cctch any mistakes.. pistakes."thh promises that thingg will different this time around. around. and women on the liies."there is lwwys going to be an aversion to change the questions aased by a neww policy in theemilitary. hello i'm jennifer ilbert. and i'm jefffbarnd.our next winter blast is only hours away tonightt tonight.let's go straight to reidwith a look at what's in store for us tomorow.
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this morning leavinn a dussing on the roaas. the... main roads... were - clear.../ but... stilll slippeey... accidents...//.we... drivers... on... cold spring lane... at... falls road.../ &pwho... had... a... 8:09:12 jennifer danieli go up falls road to lake ave to rolland ave to take my kids to school and it was a little slippeey i aw some suvs spinning out people wwre just taking the urns their norral wheel drivv nd its fine 8:09:27 8809:27while the snow is alloss gne tonight... another round tomrrow... . for - afternoon. 3&...and take a look at this viewer thhs morning y a - morningthis... person... was... rivinn in north baatimore... near llch raven... and...
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northern avenue.../as... you can see../ ttere's... a... coatinn of snow on he road.../ and... it... was still... so cold.../ none... &p melted yet check in with fox455morning news...for he laaest forecast......and nyyschool delaas and traffic trouble troubleget... thaa inffrmation... on the fox45 news ticker...///. fox45 morning news... starrs at 5 a-m anne arundel county executive having police offfccrs take him to a parking lott.. for its case against him...crime and justice joy lepola tells us about the arge amount of money some oo those officers were aid... paid......and where that money ccme from. from. ((pkg))) critics of anne arundellcountyyexecutiie john leopold did not holddback as &pthey left coort oday. enough about it it's just &pofficerr of this county have tt ndure such treatment
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:21 a reaction prompted by pestimony given bb a former meeber of leopold's sscuritt detail. the sergeant testifiid how he would ccaffeur leopold... around townnoo weekkeds... earning overtime in thh process.20:00 it's abbolutely unacceptable dutiessthat eveetually took a toll n the ergeantt.. and assignment. the state prosecutors office... estimates... ii 2011 more than 14-hundrrd hours of overtime was earnee by leoppld's detail. axpayers dollars it's alleged leepolddused for his &pown pprsonal gain. and that prosecuttrssargueemake leopold's actions illegal. 15:55 i don'' think we'd be here unless there as a very ptronn belief that laws hhve topic of campaiin signsscame up... but this time.....the
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judge eerd how... leopold told phelan to steer clear of them. sayinggquooe"he had to do it because i wasn't supposed to" but that testimony did little to sway those like joan hhrrrs... 20::1 it's wroog who's also a former employee of leopplds. &ptaxpayers expense nd you shooldn't be in office a lepola fox 45 news at en. -3 amoon those not called to testify by the state was formerranne arundel county pollce chief james teare. pplicee.. make... two arrests.... in... a... fatal shootinn... in william... chase... and....charles &pspriggs.... are.. charged with... first degree puuder....///police... say... they shoo... and killed.... 300.. year oll... happened around... 11-30 last night ... on... copeland street... nner... broach court...//.police... say... durley... was for... a... rrlationship... he hadd.. with a woman. baltimore police... have identified aaman... &p that was hot and killed.. in... southeast baltimore... ttesday night...///.32- year- old... juutin &pmilton... diedd.. at the he was shot... in the when. headd..///.police say....
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milton and annoher man... were avenue... whhn they were approached by a suspect... who pulledda gun...///.the second victim.... was also hot.../ still have... no . - information on a suspect. no... police officers... will be charged... in... the... murder... of... an... east ballimmre man.../ phh... died... in police custody....// the... decisson tonight... from... altimmrees ...state'' . attorney...///. keith outside... the state's attorney's office...// where... gregg bernsteinn... made... his decision... public keith. jeff...... bernntein says he's opeful the results of his investigation will help brinn a sense of closure tt nthony andersonns family. but tonight, family members are pot pleased with his decision. ////////////////pkg///////////// / baltimore state's attorney gregg bernstein says he's completed what he calls a coopreheesive &pinvestigaaton.....(áááánats u full: "he had parked hisscar here....."áááá.......anddwith that he says one of the thhee &ppolice officcrs nvolved in the custody death of anthony
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andersso will face criminal charges, including the officer responsible for andersonns blunt force trauma.(bernstein) "our investigation has determmned that while det. todd strohman's actions did cause the death of mr. a legitimate arrest, his uss of force was nottexcessive to a degree that would warrant 466year-old anderson was thown to the ground during a ddug arrest on septembbr 21, 2012. from the beginninggthere pas controversyy anderson's family and otters claiming police brutaliiy. now with beesteins' decision, controversy continues.(ree. witherspoon) "he indicates that he did a thorough that ecause we can't find one single persoo that will attest to heefact that they spoke to the state's attorrey gregg whole famill is just in pisarray and distraught. &pjustice is not being served..
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it's not fair."(bernstein) "i am committed to prosecuting aay officee wwo violaaes thh law and dishonor the badge. in this cass however, the evidenceedoes not establish any viilation of theecriminal laws in our judgment based on our investiiation." 3 while the state'ss be complete..the civil rights divisioo of the deparrtent of justice has initiated its own livv in downtown baltimore, - keith daniels, fox 45 news at ten. ruled state police must t has - release fiies relating to how they investigate racial profili. argued the documents are personnel reccrds and exempt from disclosure. disclosuree but today the maryland court of appeels civil liberties union and the n-double-a ---p whichh contended the files should be turned over. &pover.the n-dduble-a-c-p says the ruling givee it the abiiity to determine if and
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when rrports and commlaints are throughly investtgated. whiie.... he... awaits... trial... for... operatinnga boat .. while... &p drunk...//.anne... arundel countyy.. ddleeate... don dwyer... stilll.. on the job... the accidentt.. lass summer... n... he... mathogy riverr../ dwyer .... admitted... e was drunk...//. he... was... hurt... long... with... somm passengers.../// oo... another boat....//// tonite... he... tells foo 45.../ e... stoppedddrinking.../ (dwyer) "i think it's imporant that aa an elected fficial that i be transparent in those issues that we're dealinn it's aa times intimidatinn - ssmewhat to ddal with these issues puulicly as i have, butt i think it's important, it's important for me as far as my recovery is concerned, and i thiik it's imporrant for people that ight be struggling with tte issue of alcoholism and drinking." drinking."dwyee still plans to run for re-electionnext year. 3 it's been 12 earr since the ravens last made thh uper, was their ffrst
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practice since winninn he afc . chammionship...bruce cunningham joins ussnow as the purple and black get ready or their biggest game in morr than a decade...bruce... brucc...the ravens are back to wwrk..after taking the last squared away forthe super bow, preparations began in earnest when you get to the super bbwl, themedia contigent gets biggerr..aalot bigger...over 100 media yyes were oo hand...doubletheeusuall..the peekennand then fly to new he - orleans on monday...only one man was in uniform the aat time theravens made the super bowl..and toddyyray lewis compared the two teamss.. 3
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ed reed ssys reports of his pemise were premature..we'll littll later inthh hour in , sports. as the ravens head o tte super bowl... sooe fans are going to eetremessto hoo their support. &p3&p--tatoo nats--- nats--- at bear's den tattoos in cctonsviile, some fann are willing to make their purple pride permanent... these guys are getting inked uppwith the game. logo... for the big "kinda means i have support for my team no matter what, watching football, playing foot" ffotball." tte tattoo artistt ay o far, tattoos. ray lewis... may be on his final ridee.. but... thh enn... of his career.../ meaas... big business. business.
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at... nightmaae raphics columbba..../ "fans only" ... is... celeeratiig... ray's....last ride... with a thh... fronn... of the shirt... ii a picttre of ray.......on the back of the a farewell 3 "iq:the back, farewell... oq: people love raa, ray lewis." lewis." the farrwwll t-shirts cost about 200buuks. you an buy them at most local ravens rrtailerss.. and online. and we're following ray's last superdome in new orleans.see our stories on thh avens playoffs.... hear raw intervieww from the players... and find other wwb links by goiig to our website... foxbaltimore ddt com. click on the "ray's last ride" banner on our homeeagg. 3&we know a lot of you want to sendoffmonday morniin, youu holding a rally at the inner
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harbor ampitheater...monday morning at 11-30 harbaugh......and retirinn all- pro lineeacker raa ewis wwll beethere...aaswell as members 2000 purple pride is in full force this week ... and we askee you to send us yoor ics. 3 check out this mini rrvens ffn! as you an see she's ll deckee out n her ravens cheerleaddng utfit. and lisa malone ent us this phooo from a recent trip with &pher daughtees. the trio of ravens fans took their purple priie ll the way oonewwyork ciiy... you caa upload photos and videos to us through purple at fox baltimore dot com. and yoo ccn see those pictures on our "see it shhot it send ittpagee aa foo or you can go to our com slaah fox baltimore clicc you can get your morning news and weathee... seeen daas a week right here on fox45.'s nchored... by... -
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marianne banister...and... meteorologist tony pagnotti... wwll bring you the weather. 3 (27:10) (rrdio) "yeeh en--our, its this end pnii hhrr...." here...."a state wide sweep. new at 10:30.....wat we saw whennwe wwnt along on search for illegal immigrants acccsed of sex crimee. a big change for the military...women... oo tte front lines...the concern some oo our veterans our cover ssory... in justt15 minutes
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ann now a clarification....earlierrwe reported that tte baltimoree state'' attorrey office wwll not pursue charges against two aarest that led toothe death of suspect. hile the medical eeaainer ruled the casee as
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homicide becauss theeofficer death...... it has never een a mmrder case. a... task force... et baltimore... city... speed havvng problems..../// janice park... live... in... north ballimore.../// and... says... tte city... is... makinn... major changes, .../ to ... make sure donnt get... a... false tick. story... we aired... firstton 3 fox... janice janicethe city says it has issued 239 refunds for just plain wrong...and morr refunds could be coming.but there was a llt of talk aboutt future...with the help of alll branddnew state of the art cameras. baltimore city speed and red lighttcameeas...weee generatinn thousaads of wweks...those tickets have been virutally non-exiitent... existentt..the cityy is working with a new vendorr ad state of the art cameras.... but the old ccmmeas have
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wrong tickets.the city tickett "if it's a couple hundrrd more so be it, we don't want people ticketed if ttey eeen't legitament tickets"the new system may not be fully up ann running unnil march and the meantime police says tey will be doubling their staff.its an ticket ddesn't get to you. - you.high priority, catch aay &istakes madendor and not valid public""elated bbythe police doing all they can"another - looking into penalizing the &pnew vendor...for each wrong make sure eeery the right one. .and while the city had plenty to ssy tonight about the new
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pseed ccmera vvndor ....when we tried to talk to represenatives of hh company &pwe were old that won't be possible. live in north baltimore, jp fox 45 news aa serious llegations gainst theelead detective in the stuuent phyllcia barnesonor barnestoday a judge ruled that a eperrte investigation of &phomicide detective daniel nicholson can be broughh up a hardffrd ccunty home wearing a black hoodie while he the incident occured two days before police charged jjhnson alfred naace uled the defense ccn ask the detective about -t prosecutors called the allegations a distraction. tomorrow morninnts beginn - a... three- alarm fire... breakk out.... downtown. it... hhppened ... before... 1... this morning a three-story buildinn... at... nooth cclverr and read ptreet...//.the uilding iss made up of office space and
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apartments... but no oneewas insideeat the time.theecause of the fire remains under harford county firefighters ssnt s these photos of a boat fire that spread to a home on shooe drive n happened shortly beeore 2 o'clook yesterday afternoon. you can see the burned out boat in the driveway.... crews say the fire was started by a the flames quickly spread to the house. fiiefighters reecued oneeman who'd gone back inside for his cat. he was evaluated at the sceee. no ther injuriis maryland voters got to decide several high-profile issues same-sex marriage..but as john - rydelllreports....he petition process is now under scruttnty...and that inclldes ...the confidentialityof ttose phh sign petitions... petitions... ((nats))they were angered by criie....signing a petitioo... which would put the question of same sex he
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vottrs. (robinson) "i think that she has a right to iin a pptition you know, it's her prght, his is america." paltimore citt delegate barbara robiison...and other lawmakers sspport bills... tt ppohibit thh release of the wwoosign petitions.(parrott) "but to send those out on searccable websites, it negativv way this last year as we saw people losing their jobb, it's not helpful at all." collectinn signatures on- line...may face anotherrreview. (miller)) because of he high technology ann computerization, you have the same person that signs it &pverifies his or her own signature."miller says lawmakers may consider...revising the process by having petition siggatuues...beforfy all e.....uummttiiggthem to the state. (rydell) "maryland vooers have been allowed too petition laws to referendum for well overr100 years back to the days when lawmakers mett here in this newly restored house chamber ann some lawmakers today believe ttat that etition process hould be left as is."(parrott) "ann ppoole orked vvryy vvrr hard
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across the streettso i think yoo''e going toosee strong resistenceeif anyone comes forward tt say we want to ressrict his procees."a process...delegate neil parrott...sayshas already een maryland'sshighest ccurt....and step he says...ensures..voteess.. have a crucial their john rydell, fox 45 news at senate presiddnt mike miller predictsthat if lawmakers pass p bill to repealthe death will beepetitioned to appear on the ballotin 20--4. carroll county ... maryland county ... make english ... its... official language...//.the... boarddof commissionerss.. voted... for the ordinance tonightt..//. they... are... all republicans...//.the... not stop... wou3 county wwrkerr ... from using ...other languages ... for... uuofficial business. 3 &p3 3 3 3 3 - 3-& 3 3 an ssu-v...smassed... by this
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10:24 pm a toddler survived not veryone ii going toobe ...but ow... womee can.the about it....n our cover have story...after the break
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peetagon issses... a... major... pollcy change... rrgarring omen... in the military...//. military...//. defense secretary leon panetta announcing ttdaythat female soldiers will now bb allowed to serve n the frontlines. jennifer ggifffn looks into áwwyá officials made the c. with the strokk of a pen &psscretary panetta and the chaarman of the joint chiefs ended a ban on women in combat. ggneral dempsey said he realized women were already on the frontliies when he goo into his armored vehicle n baghhad in 2003.sot dempsey says: "... i slapppd the urret gun aroond the leg, pnd i said, 'who are you?' and she leaaed down and said, 'i'm amanda.' and i said, &p'ah, ok.'' so fmale turret-gunner protecting division commandee. and it's &pfrom that point onnthat i
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realized something had changed, and it was timeeto do &psomething about it." sot panetta says: "... life, s we all know, there are no guaraanees of succees. noo everyone issgoing to be able to be a combat soldier. but everyone is entitled to a chance." &ptheeeeaae also issues of societal norms: many americans remember when private first captured n iraq. her recent bbography details how she waa raped by her captoos, but in a statemeetttoday shee said she suppooted the change. between being in harms way... - units, they suddenly receive mortars, ttey have ied offensive combat operation day - in and day out is very way." the ilitary service cciefs haveeuntil may 15th to make their case to the
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defense secretary about which jobs -- if any -- should still pentagon, jennifer grrffin, foo news. questions....especially from - those who have served our count. country. anthonyypura... from... pensacoll, florida../. ...found... out... whht... some veterans ...have to change.. aaout the hangee- anthony on camm here in tte santa rosa in the u-s army... news from the ppntagon.track 1 3 surrrunded by sheryy tulllr hhve many who've qqestions about how combat would change with wooen on the front lines...1:04:34there are wooen that serre in combaa noo...then there's the women who want to ssrve in the front lines...that would be putting tanks...track 2 &pin would put them att igher riss... heryl isn't sure if women
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ppyyically, mentally, or husband, 200 gunshots, lost injjries, the stufffthey come in contact with over there...ii that going to effect birth deffects aad stuff along the lines for that & hen they comm homee toohave children"track 3 p though some feel that wooen are more han ccpable of handling themselves in combbt. 1:15:35i believe that a man can o anything, and a woman can do just as uch. i believe it'd be a good idea.track 4 without real "ffont lines" n iraq and afghanistan, women have ended up in sevvral combat roles... cnn sot annon women in combat "there is alwaas going to be annaverrion tt change and so is to go and do my job liie any officer would."track 5 women have played an impprtant &pskeptical of their expanded combat situations they serveee - fooward fronttlines, there ii a lot of risk, and the
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commmnders will decide what they wwll deccde wwether its appropriate for them or not that... bringss us to our questioo of the ay. do you agree with the decision to allow women to serve in combat jobss jobs?here's our facebook this question tonight...many of you say they áshouldá be allooed to serve in combat jobb...but sevvral of outtsay they should be required to pass thh same physical tests that men have to passjoin the disccssion by going to facebooo dot commssash ox- baltimore look at this s-u-v... ásmashedá by a truckhhw a toddler ásurvivedá this on fox45 news at but next...illegaa aliens... the raids...first on fox... after the brrak
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once you've got fios, you get it. and according to pc mag... [ male announcer #2 ] if it's available, you should get it. and according to pc mag... new at 10-30...federall.. agents... just... wrapped up... a... 3--day sweep... p of... some oo the most dangerous cciminals ... abell... is... invited... on... the raidd./. raid../.and... on fox... the story... pox... officers) (:25) (audio) "the toyota takoma is parked
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right here...." its five pn the morning......and whilee the city sleeps..... (:25) "usually the van is parked on this side of the street....." federal mooe..... (1:56) "all righttsounds good. you ready. you ready...." (2:06) (door slams natss this team of customs and immigration agents are on a mission. their heading to an east baltimore sex offender....who's also an illegal alien issliving. (4:00) "he's coming down the question the man ho opened the door who allows the agents inside..... they soon discoovr their ttrget is not iiside. (6:52) "the subject we just spoke to wass his wife's son and he has peturned o el salvedor or soo phey claim." three teams of ice aggnts have spent the past three ays scouring the are convicted sex offenddrs. (1:02:40) (calvin mccormick) "there's a large large uuber of illegal aaiens in this country but our focus is to thhse caaes that will have the biggest public safety impact....." (27:10) (radio) "yeah ten-four, its this end unit here...."
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(26:00) "the first house on the alley here with the bbrs on the winddws and the raah oot in front...." their targets are deep in hiding.....because if they're found.....ttey could be "some of the couontries people neeessaaiiyydesirable...." p thissthree day search.....netted agents wiih four arrests..... all them convicted of sex crimes while in the u-s..... now....agenns will fight to insuree hey nnver return. jeff abell, fox 45, news at 3 those arrrsted... are locc-up.../ as... agents... begin the processs.. of... having them... removed... from the country. a... 1-year-old girl.... has.../ a ... terrifying scare... on a... moscow road. on the road... and - the... girl's... ejected... from the vehicle... / and... lands... innhes awayy... frrm... an... oncoming truck...//. incredibly... the... rig... inffnn...///. she's... expected... to be o-k...///. and... said to e a facttr.ther is pheck out... this video... off
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a sewer explosion... out of cameras... installed on nearby &presidential buildings... recorded the entire event... as it tore through... the poad.../.nn one... as injured.../ but... the uuderground... sewer tuunel... cootainn... natural gas pipelines... and... high- voltage cables. 3
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33 3 3 a recent purchase by ed reed
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decided whether he'll retire after the super bowl...find out what it is...coming up in 10 miiutes in sports unlimited 3& ...butt ext...amazing videe.. of a shootout with police...
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seeator ... john kerry ...had an easy day... on... capitol hill. hhll. he's the president's ppck for the neet secrettry of state. plinton was on the hiil for a second day in a row after yesterday hearings on the attack on ur libyan embassy. she put her full support behind kkrry. "i'm already excited in manyy togetter, and in which we must work together, in order to
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interests in compliiated and eeer ore dangerous world." 3 kerry is expected to bb confirmed easily. a liberal senator assault styll weapons in meric. america. california senator dianne feinstein's bill will bbn the sale and manufacture of arouud one hundred and fifty fireaams. it's stronger ttan the bill that was passed in 1994. ii also limits magazines to ten rounds of ammunition. 3 "since thh last aasault weapons bannexpired in 2004, and incidentally in the 10 years it waa in place no one tookkit toocourt, more than 350 people have been killed with assault weapons." unlike the last ban which pan for a decade,,this bill joe biden talks gunn &pcontrol... during a "fireside hangout" hosted by "google plus"... a modern take on ffanklii "d"" oosevelt's famous radio addresses -- knownnas the fireside "chats."
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phe vice president took questions from arrund the country.... aad outlined the white house's plan to curb gun violence... which includes ban. "one of the reasons why the assaalt weapons ban makes sense, even though it accounts for a small percentage of the murders or those who die as the consequence of a eapon every year is bbcause police organizations overwhelmingly support it because theyyget street."meanwwile, biien will e first stop is riccmond, his virggnia... a state whhre many stronglyysupport gun a... state... task force... met today... to discuss... gun with mental illnesses. the... 17-member panel... was created... months ago.../. the recent tragedy... - in newtown connecticut has control. the groop's authorizing police to seize firearms from individuall who are a serious threat to
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requiriig mental hhalth professiooals to report threats to law enforcement. staatling viieo... of a suspect ...opening firr... at police... during a caa chase. happenee... a... few years agg... in mayy2010.../ but... the viieo... was... just charlie scctt... was chasing a robbery suspects....// dashcam video... shows ...the back door of the van... opening.../ ann... ak-477../ repeatedly shooting. p52-100"bbsically, he opened up and put 15 rounds into my car in which i was shot in the head ad the left arm." arm."the shooter... was shot dead by police... pthe driver oo the van... 3 cam cameron speakk for the firrt time since the ravens fired hhm...his surpising take on bbing lettgo as oofensive in sporrs
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unlimmted.. but next...good the fll...his amazing nd recovery... when we come back i got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes.
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[ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios internet, you get it -- the difference 100% fiber optics makes. but don't take our word for it -- ask a real fios customer. ask me why fiber optics matters. ask me about the upload speeds -- they're sick! [ male announcer ] so go online and send a tweet to a real fios customer. last chance to get fios for just $89.99 a month for 2 years with a 2-year agreement. plus get $300 back. visit for america's fastest, most reliable internet. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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for america's fastest, most reliable internet. there has been a lot of mmght joingray lewis and reed - after all, the game is ight theee in hishometown.. hometown.. not only that, but his contrrct is upat the enddof this season...everything seemed lined up ffr reedto ride off into the suusst... proolem is, nobodyycould get reedto say what his ntentions, he removed the mystery..not's not quitt reasy for the oll rockingchair ust from the wasn't expectinn that
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department..firede ravees offensive coordinator cam cameron says it was a quote brilliant moveto get rid of him..cameron old the new york times that hiusfiring made everyone taak a look in he mirorradding he harrors no ill will toward theeavens..since jim callwell took over, the ravensoffenne is averaging 80 more yards pergame than when ccm was here..hat'ssa lot. frrm owings mills on the rt - impact super bowl week has on the ppayers...coming up on the late edition...
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3 29---children... have died from the flu his season.. ut for one maryland boy.. it was a happy homecoming after spending eleven days in intensive care fighting the virus. of the younggman's increeible - recovery.. 3 for this 66year olddboy... the flu.... riggered respiratory brush with death.... but ii now.. home aggan. the tucker family is celebrrting with a family game night. 6 year old andrew has just come home frrm georgetown university hospital after nearly two weekssin intensive caree his parents say hisscondiiion went from bad.... to worse... and aatone &ppoint they were not sure he would ever make it home. home.(dadd "there was moment at shady grove of course im trying to be strong but i cant bury a kid.. it was that serious it was justttotal terror to see him now.. its a miracle" six year old andrew
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is now fully recooered and back at school.. is parents arr grateful for alllthe throughh. kc fox 45 news at 5;30 in.. annapolis.../ they're... unveiling ddtails... of... a new program ... to... eepand heallh care...// to... income residents. residents.lieutenant governor.... anthony broww... says... the... foor year... pilot program... will taaget... five arts... of the 16-miiliin - dollars.... and... the goal... is... to offer... health coverage... to... those ...who don't have it. pbrownn "by usinggincentives, innovation and partnerships, we''l expand access to care, rrduce costs and address the ggographic and racial and ethnic disparities that are unacceptabll here in marylann." maryllnd."one of those health west baltimore. a human powered helicopterr wwrld record set by tudeets at the univerrsty of maryland. minutes on the late eddtion... edition... a collision on the tracks...why the driver putting his vehicle and d up
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and the man who was once the trouble ith the law. whh you could really call him a lock pead now.
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to take the plunge.the frigid fundraiser that raises money &pnews.
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a human-powered helicopter &pbuill by university of officiallyybroken a world record. 3 this issvideo of the gameraa a ... 76-pound helicopter... made from carbon fibbr,... balsa wood and foam....///pilot... collin gore,... an engineering graduate,... was in the cockppt... for this plight... in ugust.... / which... has... just beeen certifiid... s... a... world record... of... 65. secondss..//. the gamera two... is... a mmdified version of the gamerr-one... which... set the previous porld record... of... just more than 11 seconds. 3 3 hello, i'm jeef 3barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. itssan investigation weeve brought pou first on fox, since we uncovered the first problems with the city's spped cameea sy. system. &pjanice park is live tonight i task fooce is making big missaaes could be st ticket


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